Contact TEACHING Institution: Incoming students contact Campus Staff Coordinator (CSC) at KU.

Campus Staff Coordinator (CSC): Ashley Mason

Apply to TEACHING Institution: Contact KU CSC to obtain a KU enrollment form and additional information. Student completes and returns the form to the KU CSC who forwards it to the KU Registrar’s Office and Student Financial Aid for the admissions and enrollment process. Deadline Dates are located on the NEXus website. Students are encouraged to contact the KU CSC if a deadline has passed to see if they are still eligible to enroll.

Student Account: See below

Student Notification: KU sends the KUMC student ID Number, username, temporary password, and email address. This information comes in a secure email from KUMC and might be redirected to spam or junk mail by institutions. Please watch for an email and add to your safe sender list. Students might receive additional notifications regarding mandatory training, such as compliance training.

Course Enrollment: KU CSC will enroll the student in the course.

Platform: Once issued their KUMC ID number, the student is able to access Blackboard.

Payment: “Enroll & Pay” (student financial accounting system) generates a monthly account activity statement on or around the 21st of each month. That statement is due on the 15th of the following month. For details visit Student Financial Accounting.

Teaching Faculty Contact: The student logs on to Blackboard for access to course materials. Some faculty send information to students earlier than the first day of class using the email function in Blackboard, so any student already registered would receive that information.

Course materials/ Library access: The syllabus and information about books and materials will be on Blackboard.

Course: Student completes course and NEXus course evaluation.

Add/Drop: The student must notify both the TEACHING and HOME Campus Staff Coordinators to drop the course.

Transcript: Transcripts for NEXus courses taken at KU can be obtained from the Registrar’s Office  to be sent to the HOME institution.

Other: KU courses open to master’s students will be listed in the NEXus Course Catalog.

Glossary of terms

CSC – Campus Staff Coordinator

CFC – Campus Faculty Coordinator

HOME – Institution student will obtain degree from

TEACHING – Institution student is taking course from