Benefits of Joining

Each Member Institution:
• Offers its own degrees
• Makes distance learning courses available to the consortium
• Bolsters its own offerings with elective courses from other collaborators

A Collaboration Based on Trust:
• Students enroll in NEXus courses through their home institution
• Includes both PhD and DNP programs
• Members respect the academic standards of all other members
• Students enroll in NEXus courses through their home institution
• Teaching institutions maintain control and responsibility for their curriculum
• Institutions minimize student barriers to participation
• Common tuition price across all NEXus courses

• Common price
• Tuition is split between institutions

The Business Case:
• Ability to fill seats in classes
• Collaborators can offer a broader range of courses than any single university
• Faculty can reach a larger group of students with specialized courses

The Result for Students:
• Increased access for students across the country
• Networking opportunities
• Diversity in education
• Experience with new teaching modalities