Graduate certificate programs are a way to expand knowledge and grow career opportunities. NEXus members offer part or all of their graduate certificate programs courses listed below online via NEXus. The following members invite you to learn more about these specific programs.

Note: Each university has its own application, admissions and requirements, and should be consulted directly. Course requirements may change from what is posted here.

University of Kansas

Health Professions Educator Certificate (12 credits; 4 courses)

  • NRSG 870 Designing a Student Learning Environment
  • NRSG 871 Curriculum/Program Planning and Evaluation
  • NRSG 873 Teaching with Technologies
  • NRSG 874 Health Professions Educator Preceptorship

Population Health Nursing Certificate (13 credits; 5 courses)

  • NRSG 808 The Social Context for Health Care Policy
  • NRSG 809 Health Promotion and Complementary Therapeutics
  • NRSG 811 Principles of Clinical Epidemiology
  • NRSG 826 Global Perspective and Diversity in Healthcare
  • NRSG 880 Organizational Foundations for Leading Change

Health Systems Leadership Certificate (14 credits; 5 courses)

  • NRSG 880 Organizational Foundations for Leading Change
  • NRSG 881 Applied Budgeting and Finance
  • NRSG 883 Complexity Science Approves to Improve Organizational Effectiveness
  • NRSG 885 Evaluation and Analysis for Healthcare Effect
  • NRSG 891 Human Resources and Workforce Development

University of Northern Colorado

Nurse Educator (9 credits; 3 courses from the following choices)

  • NURS 741 Evidence Based Teaching
  • NURS 760 Advanced Nursing Curriculum Design
  • NURS 780 The Professional Role
  • NURS 679 Technology in Healthcare Education