SOON: New Catalog for Spring 2023 Courses

SOON: New Catalog for Spring 2023 Courses

It’s coming later this month – a new platform for NEXus university administrators, including a fresh catalog search page for the public.

We are excited to unveil our new course finder at the end of September. NEXus is collaborating with Higher Learning Partners of Regis University to use its course exchange software. On the catalog page you will be able to search for Spring 2023 course offerings from our 16 member universities. Courses cover up to 15 areas of study at the graduate level with a focus on doctoral offerings. Stay tuned! Meanwhile a list of historic course offerings from Fall 2020 to Summer 2022 can be found here: Fall 2020 to Summer 2022 Courses Offerings NEXus

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Phone: (503) 494-7671
Fax: (503) 346-8296
Email: [email protected]