Orientation to NEXus

The following webinars provide a detailed introduction to NEXus and steps necessary to enrsure a member’s success in joining . These webinars that were recently hosted as part of the NHCGNE/NEXus Collaborative.

The first webinar is an Orientation to the NHGNE/NEXus Collaboration itself, but to view the specific presentation on NEXus, you will want to start the webinar around the 8th minute mark.


The following PowerPoint Presentations accompany the webinar:

NHCGNE/NEXus Presentation by McNeil and Magilvy

NHCGNE/NEXus Presentation by Galas

The second webinar gives more of a technical overview of joining NEXus and the perspective from key positions within the institution including the Campus Staff Coordinator, the Campus Faculty Coordinator and the Dean.


The following PowerPoint Presentation accompanies the webinar:

NHCGNE/NEXus Technical Presentation by McNeil and Galas

The third webinar gives a technical overview of joining NEXus and the perspective from key positions within the institution including the Provost, Registrar, and Financial Aid Office. In addition, there is a presentation addressing current status of State Authorization.


The following PowerPoint Presentations accompanies the above webinar:

NHCGNE/NEXus Technical Webinar II Presentation by Magilvy, McNeil, and Galas

For NHCGNE Frequently Asked Questions click here.

For Faculty Teaching Tips click here.