NEXus courses are open to Masters Students!

NEXus courses are open to Masters Students!

NEXus is excited to launch the NEXus Master’s Pilot Project for students!

Seven Member Institutions have agreed to participate in a pilot project offering master level courses and enrolling master level students through the NEXus Course Xchange. Graduate (Master’s) students in nursing from participating member institutions are able to take online courses offered by the other member institutions through the Xchange. Courses are placed into clusters based on the academic strengths of the member institutions and revolve around topic areas. A complete list of course offerings can be found at the NEXus Course Catalog. The participating member institutions are listed below.

Institutions Enrolling




Arizona State University X X
Oregon Health and Science University X X
The Ohio State X
The University of Texas at Tyler X X
University of Kansas X X
University of Utah X
Washington State University X X


Guidelines for enrolling in the NEXus Masters Pilot:

  • Students work with their Home Campus Staff Coordinators.
  • Students confer with advisors to determine if courses are appropriate before initiating the enrollment process.
  • Complete and submit a signed NEXus Tracking Form per directions to the HOME Campus Staff Coordinator.
  • The NEXus Course Catalog includes detailed course descriptions that identify the course level PhD, DNP or Masters and whom courses are open too.
  • For complete instructions on how to enroll in a NEXus course visit the How to Enroll.


Contact NEXus

3455 SW Veterans Hospital Rd Portland, OR 97239-2941

Phone: (503) 494-7671
Fax: (503) 346-8296
Email: [email protected]