Contact TEACHING Institution: Incoming students contact Campus Staff Coordinator (CSC) at University of Utah.

Campus Staff Coordinator (CSC): Heather Clarkson
Office Phone: 801-581-8269

Apply to TEACHING Institution: Student submits a University of Utah NEXus Application Form. The student must request this form from Utah CSC directly. CSC works with the Registrar’s Office to register and enroll the student.

Student Account: The student does not have an account. All communication is worked through the student and Utah CSC.

Student Notification: Student is notified by Utah CSC when registration and enrollment is complete.

Course Enrollment: Utah CSC registers the student for the NEXus class.

Platform: Asynchronous courses are taught using Canvas.  Synchronous courses are taught using high fidelity teleconference software.  Students are required to have a webcam, microphone, and hard-wire high-speed internet connection.  Connecting over wi-fi is not allowed as it cannot handle the bandwidth of the teleconferencing platform and causes problems with the course delivery.  The Utah CSC will connect student with relevant IT individuals to set-up the software.  Students in synchronous courses need at least 1 week to test and confirm viability of the software on their computer.

Payment: The student provides payment to Utah CSC and the tuition is paid as soon as it is due. Utah CSC facilitates this between the student and the Income Accounting office and the Registrar.

Teaching Faculty Contact: When the student returns the University of Utah’s Application form, Utah CSC contacts the instructor to inform them of the interested student. Utah CSC will cc the student so they will have each other’s email address.

Course materials/ Library access: Once Utah CSC connected the student and the faculty, it is up to the student to find out about the course materials. The students typically do not have access to the library.

Course: Student completes course.

Add/Drop: The student needs to contact Utah CSC in order to add or drop a class. Students MUST drop by the deadline in order to get a full tuition refund.

Transcript: Student requests a transcript from the CSC listed as the Institutional Contact at the University of Utah.

Other: The student does not need to apply to the Graduate School. There is no application fee and students are not required to provide transcripts to the University of Utah.

If a student enrolls in two courses within an academic year, the student just needs to email a request with the class information that they are interested in.

Glossary of terms

CSC – Campus Staff Coordinator

CFC – Campus Faculty Coordinator

HOME – Institution student will obtain degree from

TEACHING – Institution student is taking course from