Student and Faculty Collaborative Opportunities

A major focus of doctoral education is research.  NEXus 3.0, with a focus on research and scholarship collaboration, signifies a new initiative for NEXus. The purpose of NEXus 3.0 is to offer doctoral students and faculty opportunities to reach out to academic collaborators across the country to build research teams including dissertation supervisory committees, share expertise, and leverage access to multi-site projects. Below are the guidelines for identifying/contacting faculty and enrolling in an Independent Study via NEXus.

  • In consultation with their faculty advisor, the NEXus student identifies faculty with particular research interest and or area of expertise. (see list of participating faculty below)
  • Student contacts faculty member to set up an Independent Study (IS).
  • Student completes the NEXus Independent Study Agreement form and submits it to the NEXus Campus staff Coordinator.
  • All NEXus registration deadline dates and policies apply to the independent study.
  • The # of units for the independent study are flexible.
  • The NEXus Common Price will be charged for the independent study based on agreed upon units.
  • The NEXus Independent Study Agreement form will be used along with NEXus Tracking form.

NEXus Independent Study Agreement Form

Currently, faculty from Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Utah, and The University of Texas at Tyler are willing/looking to share their expertise. Download the complete list of participating faculty and their area of expertise here.