Contact TEACHING Institution: Incoming students contact Campus Staff Coordinator (CSC).

Campus Staff Coordinators (CSC):

Wendy Ovall
NEXus Campus Staff Coordinator

Office Phone: 360-546-9350
Email: [email protected] 

Apply to TEACHING Institution: Submit the WSU Application Form to the WSU Graduate School and WSU Campus Staff Coordinator

Student Account: Student is issued a WSU User ID, WSU ID number, and an e-mail address. Instructions on how to access it and set up the myWSU student registration and information system will be sent with the WSU Admission letter.

Student Notification: WSU Graduate School will email registration information to NEXus student. If you have any questions, please contact the campus staff coordinator.

Course Enrollment: The student will receive information on how to enroll in the course. Please look for the section marked NEXus students only. This will most likely be the 3rd section of the course. If you receive an error message please send this information to the CSC.

Platform: Once registered for the course, Canvas (online course program) information will appear on the myWSU portal home page.

Payment: Once the student is enrolled in the course, the student will be able to access the bill through the myWSU portal by going to My Finance Center. A billing statement will not be mailed or emailed. Tuition due dates can be found in myWSU.

Teaching Faculty Contact: Instructor contact information is available on Blackboard.

Course materials/ Library access: Textbook information can be found online at the WSU Library Services. Use the Visit the Online Store link to find and order books. You should pick the Spokane Campus, the appropriate semester, Nursing Department, NURS, NURS_SCI or NURS_ADV + course number. All sections will have the same books.

Course: Student completes course.

Add/Drop: The student must notify the WSU CSC immediately. All late registration and drop fees apply to NEXus students as scheduled for regular WSU students.

Transcript: Complete the transcript request form (do not send to the address on the actual form) and submit directly:
WSU College of Nursing
ATTN: NEXus Campus Staff Coordinator, PhD Program
14204 NE Salmon Creek Avenue
Vancouver, WA, USA 98686-9600

Other: Information about connecting with remote teleconference system will be sent upon registration.

Glossary of terms

CSC – Campus Staff Coordinator

CFC – Campus Faculty Coordinator

HOME – Institution student will obtain degree from

TEACHING – Institution student is taking course from