Contact TEACHING Institution:

Campus Staff Coordinator (CSC): Heather Thompson email [email protected]

Apply to TEACHING Institution: Email OHSU Campus Staff Coordinator at [email protected] to obtain instructions.

Student Account: Student is issued an OHSU account, and is e-mailed the login instructions.

Student Notification: OHSU Registrar will email registration confirmation to NEXus student.

Course Enrollment: The OHSU Registrar enrolls the student.

Platform: Once registered for the course, Sakai (online course program) login will be emailed to the student (automatically generated); tutorials will be activated for your review prior to the start of classes.

Payment: Once the student is enrolled in the course, an e-bill is automatically generated and sent via email; students can pay online with a credit card or can mail a check.

Teaching Faculty Contact: The CSC will notify the instructor(s) once a student is enrolled and the instructor may/may not contact the student directly prior to classes beginning.

Course materials/ Library access: Textbook information can be found online at the OHSU campus store.  Instructors may send out readings prior to the start of classes via email, but all other course materials will be posted in Sakai; please note students will not be able to view the course in Sakai until the first day of the term

Course: Student completes course.

Add/Drop: The student must notify the HOME CSC, TEACHING CSC, and the OHSU registrar.

Transcript: The student downloads a transcript request form from the NEXus website and submits it to the Registrar; there is no fee for the initial request.

Other: Sakai platform trainings available but not required.

Glossary of terms

CSC – Campus Staff Coordinator

CFC – Campus Faculty Coordinator

HOME – Institution student will obtain degree from

TEACHING – Institution student is taking course from