Contact TEACHING Institution: Incoming students contact Campus Staff Coordinator (CSC) at Loma Linda University:

Campus Staff Coordinators (CSC): Angie Segura
Office Phone:
Email: [email protected]

Apply to TEACHING Institution: Submit the following items to the LLU Registrar and LLU Staff Coordinator:
Non Degree Application
Note: an application fee is not required. On the LLU Application, please write NEXus Student on top left corner of form. Fax the completed application and registration forms to LLU CSC, (909) 558-0719.

Student Account: Student is issued an LLU account, and is e-mailed the account ID and instructions on how to access it.

Student Notification: LLU Registrar will e-mail registration confirmation and login information to NEXus student.

Course Enrollment: Within the confirmation letter the student will receive detailed instructions on how to self-register for the course.

Platform: Once registered for the course, Canvas tutorials will be activated for your review prior to the start of classes.

Payment: Once the student is enrolled in the course, an e-bill is automatically generated and sent via email; students can pay online with a credit card or can mail a check.

Teaching Faculty Contact: The CSC will notify the instructor(s) once a student is enrolled. The instructor may/may not contact the student directly prior to classes beginning.

Course Materials/Library Access: Textbook information will be posted on Canvas. Students may also request a syllabus from the Teaching CSC for information on textbooks and any reading required prior to the start of class. Please note students will not be able to view the course in Canvas until they are fully enrolled.

Course: Student completes course.

Add/Drop the Course: To Drop the course, complete the ADD/DROP REGISTRATION FORM and return it to the Teaching CSC.  The form can be found at under Forms.

Transcript: Request a transcript at . Students must pay the $7.00 fee for the transcript to be sent, but should indicate on the form their status as a NEXus student and request fee for reimbursement. The student is responsible for requesting the transcript to be sent to their home institution.

Other: None.

Glossary of terms

CSC – Campus Staff Coordinator

CFC – Campus Faculty Coordinator

HOME – Institution student will obtain degree from

TEACHING – Institution student is taking course from