Thank you for your interest in learning more about NEXus. Links for more information are below.

Feel free to contact us at [email protected] to setup an online information session, find out more about how to apply to become a member, or with any questions.

  1. NEXus Helping You Achieve More Handout For a quick overview of NEXus, see our two-page handout which includes a list of current members and associated costs.
  2. NEXus 2020 to 2022 Courses Offerings by Area In an academic year, NEXus typically offers over 250-300 graduate level courses. Review the list of course offering by cluster/area of study that  university members offered from fall 2020 through summer 2022.
  3. Cost Savings and Income Gains A presentation made at the SNRS 2022 Conference on the cost savings and income benefits for university members of NEXus (pdf).

WIN Poster 2022 At the WIN conference, NEXus presented a poster on “The Nursing Shortage: NEXus a Strategy for Workforce Replenishment” by Dr. Pauline Komnenich, Arizona State University, Dr. Ellen D’Errico, Loma Linda University and Anne Boerner, Project Director for NEXus.

Other Quick Links
The Benefits of Joining NEXus: Summary
The real time catalog of course offerings: Catalog
Cluster/Area of Study Descriptions: Descriptions
Membership Packet: Information
How a Student Enrolls from a Member Institution: Enrollment
Sign up here to join our email list for term course offerings and latest news items.
Questions?  Contact Us.