[one_half]Taawun Login Page https://taawun.org/#/auth/login

If your brand new to NEXus and Taawun, I recommend you watch the three training videos and/or download the PDFs for each of the three parts.

Part I: Orientation to Taawun and the Academic Calendar
PDF of PowerPoint Presentation PART I Overview of Taawun Database
Recording of Training Video Play recording (Total about 43 minutes)
Recording password: QrMPy4Pm

Recording estimate minute marks and topics:
2:44-5:50 The Roles of Member vs. Provider
7:00 Tour of Taawun System Logged In
12:25-22:10 Academic Calendar
28:00 Training ends Part I
27:00-43:00 Bonus Materials Peak at student records and courses in Provider and Member roles
40:30 Enter Faculty Member with CV

Part II: Entering and Scheduling Courses
PDF of PowerPoint Presentation PART II Courses and Course Scheduling in Taawun v2
Recording of Training Video Part II here:
Recording link: https://ohsu.webex.com/ohsu/ldr.php?RCID=5513d1688c593cb6d23dd48a11e00599 Total about 42 minutes)
Webex meeting recording: II: NEXus Taawun Training COURSES-20220823 1901-1
Password: pGnfMJF3
1:20 Begins- Introduction
5:00 Review Provider Course View and Edit a Course
14:00 Add a New Course
17:50 Course Tags
26:20 Schedule a Course (post it to session as offered in the catalog for the public)
31:30 Review Courses Listed while in Member Role

Part III: Entering and Registering Students including requesting and granting seats
PDF of PowerPoint Presentation PART III Entering Students and Enrollment in Taawun v2
Recording of Training Video III here: https://ohsu.webex.com/ohsu/ldr.php?RCID=5482ef80149dd6bfcd96b601d3561c2f (Total about 32 minutes)
Password: pBaZxS3V
0:00 View, Create and Edit a Student Record
8:52 Request a Student Enrollment in a Course (Member)
16:43 Approve/Register Student (Provider)
22:50-27:45 Drop Process
[/one_half]For other quick references on specific topics see:
Entering the Academic Calendar (required before you can schedule course offerings for a term) Academic Calendar Only

Entering Courses: Sample Syllabus (upload required when adding a course)
To add a course, a syllabus is required to be uploaded. If you do not have one, you may create one or use the following:
Sample Course Syllabus Syllabus Blank Sample pdf

Un-scheduling a Scheduled Course (if course does not have any enrollment activity)
Handout PDF: How to Un-Schedule Course Offering in Taawun

Entering Faculty
About 5 minute recording of how to enter a faculty name on Taawun:
Play Faculty Recording
Password: Mmq6Wajr

To add a faculty name, your required to upload a Curriculum Vitae. If you don’t have the specific faculty member’s CV, you may create one or use one of the following documents:
Generic CV NEXus Faculty Biographies and Curriculum Vitae Document
TBD CV TBD To Be Determined Faculty CV

Entering Grades
PDF of PowerPoint Presentation Grade Entry in Taawun

Receive Automatic Emails
Make sure you have allowed Taawun system generated emails to be received and not go to Spam. This includes your account setup, registration notifications, etc.
Taawun <[email protected]>

Taawun User’s Guide