Thank you for your interest in learning more about NEXus. Links for more information are below.

Feel free to contact us at [email protected] to setup an online information session, find out more about how to apply to become a member, or with any questions.

  1. NEXus Helping You Achieve More Handout For a quick overview of NEXus, see our two-page handout which includes a list of current members and associated costs.
  2. NEXus 2020 to 2022 Courses Offerings by Area In an academic year, NEXus typically offers over 250-300 graduate level courses. Review the list of course offering by cluster/area of study that  university members offered from fall 2020 through summer 2022.
  3. Cost Savings and Income Gains A presentation made at the SNRS 2022 Conference on the cost savings and income benefits for university members of NEXus (pdf).

Other Quick Links
The Benefits of Joining NEXus: Summary
The real time catalog of course offerings: Catalog
Cluster/Area of Study Descriptions: Descriptions
Membership Application Information: Information
How a Student Enrolls from a Member Institution: Enrollment
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Questions?  Contact Us.